How to Avoid Distractions While Working From Home

Antony C.
5 min readJun 5, 2022

Working from home can be fun and has many benefits such as lower commuting costs and having more spare time to spend with your family, exercise, and practice your hobbies.

At the same time, working from home means that they are tempted by common distractions such as attention-seeking children, noisy housemates, watching TV, running errands, and an enticing social media feed.

If you want to be productive while working from home, it is important for you to know how to avoid distractions while working from home.

Here are a few best ways to avoid distractions while working from home so that you stay focused and motivated to get the job done.

1. Set boundaries

When working from home you may find that you, and the people you live with, would benefit from a clear set of boundaries.

Not only will they know when you’re ‘on the clock,’ but you will also have clearly-defined working hours that ensure that your working life does not creep into your non-working world.

You are the person who best knows when you’re most productive, so you need to create boundaries that allow you to thrive in the manner that suits you best.



Antony C.

Book Author of "Start Small, Dream Big", Online Educator, Personal Finance and Personal Self-Development Enthusiasts. Making a Positive Change a Step at a Time